We are the fair staffing company.
We understand the importance of a job. Everyone who wants and can should have the opportunity to earn money. We also know that today’s job market is challenging. To much emphasis is put on irrelevant things like who you know, or don’t know. The unwritten rules in today’s job market are anything but fair. We want to change that.
Catch Me makes jobs accessible to the workforce and the workforce accessible to the employers. The service is 100% digital, and our matching system is unique, meaning you don’t actively need to apply for a job. We have also created a solution where all job seekers in Catch Me are “anonymous”. The matching process doesn’t consider gender, age, ethnicity, or religion. The only information visible to the employer is what’s relevant for the recruitment process – such as skills, physical capabilities, and language proficiency. By not allowing the employer to identify irrelevant things a more equal job market is established.
We aim to do good and be a partner that both employees and employers can trust. We are Catch Me – the fair staffing company.