
Catch Me initiates a new investment round

Startup company Catch Me is preparing to launch a digital service that is set to establish a new global standard for the way employees are sourced and how jobs are filled.

The first investment round has closed, raising over 6.7 million Swedish kronor in new capital. The second round will soon be available to new investors.

Catch Me is primarily focused on part-time employment and has fully embraced automated matching. The automated matching results in a more streamlined and cost-effective recruitment process for companies, without compromising in skills, knowledge or experience. However, the most significant for employees is the anonymous applications. This results in that the job is always offered to the individual with the best qualifications and suitability.

Interest in this venture has been substantial, with 66 investors contributing capital as the first investment round concluded.

“We are glad that so many have placed their faith in our vision, and we are diligently adhering to our investment roadmap, surpassing our time frame and expectations”, stated Poyan Sandnell, the founder and CEO of Catch Me.

The funds raised will primarily be allocated to the further development of the app. The goal for the next round is to secure 11 million Swedish Kronor, with the majority of those funds earmarked for marketing activities.

“Five pilot companies are actively participating in the development, and the service has been greatly received by both employers and employees. An added benefit for the employees is that salaries are always paid the same day via Swish”, added Poyan Sandnell.

The second investment round is scheduled to commence at the end of October, and the app is set to be launched in early 2024. It will initially debut in Sweden, with plans for a later expansion to other parts of the world, commencing with the Nordic countries in 2024.


For more information

Poyan Sandnell, CEO Catch Me
Mobile: +46 76 – 144 09 39


About Catch Me

Catch Me is a digital and fair staffing company specializing in side jobs. We offer a service that is costeffective for businesses. We are the fair staffing company, where qualifications and experience determine who secures the job, not age, gender, name, or appearance.