Privacy Policy

For us at Catch Me, your privacy matters, all information you entrust us with are kept safe, secure, and handled responsibly.


In this privacy policy, we explain how and why we process personal data and cookies on our website according to (EU) 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We also describe how you can exercise your rights.

Feel free to reach out to us at if you have questions about how we process your personal data.

The privacy policy applies to personal data collected via the website, Catch Me App and Catch Me Employers. However, the privacy policy does not apply to personal data that you provide to any of our partners, e.g. by clicking on a link in an offer. We do not take responsibility for how personal data is handled by our partners.

This privacy policy may be updated and you can always find the latest version at


Personal data controller

Catch Me AB, 559391-6264, with registered office in Sweden, is the personal data controller for the company’s processing of personal data.



Personal data

Personal data refers to all information about an identified or identifiable physical person that can be directly or indirectly linked to that individual. This can include everything from names and social security numbers to images or email addresses.


What personal data do we collect about you and why?

We collect personal data that you actively provide to us through the use of our contact forms. This is so that we can provide information and offer you the best service.

Purpose Contact form on the website (for registration)
Personal data Name
Phone number
Legal basis Legitimate interest, we need your contact details to administer customer service matters
Recipient of personal data Catch Me AB
Storage time
The data is collected from You, the information you fill in the contact form
Transfer to third countries No

When you contact our customer service, we need your personal data to handle your case.

Purpose Communication with you and to answer your questions, via phone/email/chat
Personal data Name
Social security number
Possible organization number
Legal basis Legitimate interest, we need your contact details to administer customer service matters
Recipient of personal data Catch Me AB
Storage time
The data is collected from You.

We will contact you by phone to manage work shifts that no one has accepted or to get in touch with you after the work shift has (or should have) started.

Purpose Communication with you via phone, either because no one has accepted a shift a few hours before the shift begins, or after the work shift has (or should have) started.
Personal data Name
Phone number
Legal basis Legitimate interest, we need your phone number to administer matters.
Recipient of personal data Catch Me AB
Storage time
The data is collected from You, upon registration.

Membership/My pages. To create a member account to communicate with potential employees/employers on the platform.

Purpose Create a member account and be able to match with employees/employers.
Personal data First name
Social security number
Phone number
Profile picture
Legal basis
Framework agreement
Recipient of personal data Catch Me AB
Storage time Your personal data is saved until you terminate your membership.
The data is collected from You, the person creating a member account

Legal obligation

Purpose In some cases, we may be obliged by law to process personal data in order to fulfill legal obligations according to law, judgment or authority decision. The requirements may, for example, concern our obligations according to the Accounting Act, the Money Laundering Act or other legislation.
Personal data First name
Social security number
Phone number
Profile picture
Legal basis Fulfill legal obligation requirements
Recipient of personal data Catch Me AB
Storage time We save the data during the time that we are obliged by law or authority decision to do so.
The data is collected from You, the person contacting customer service


Purpose To develop services/systems
Personal data
Legal basis
Consent regarding the use of statistics and analysis.
For other processing of personal data, we rely on a legitimate interest in being able to evaluate, develop and improve our services, products and systems so that we can develop these and be able to make the service better for you.
Recipient of personal data Catch Me AB
Storage time
The data is collected from You, the person contacting customer service

How long we retain your personal information

We only retain your personal data for as long as it is relevant and only for the purpose for which it was originally collected.


Where the personal data is processed

As a general rule, we process your personal data within the EU/EEA area. If personal data is processed outside the EU/EEA, the processing is based on a decision by the European Commission that the country in question ensures an adequate level of protection or that we have ensured that suitable protective measures are in place that protect your data, such as through agreements with standard clauses such as EU- the commission has decided on. If you want information about the protective measures we have taken or information about where your personal data has been processed, you can get this by contacting us.


From which sources do we obtain personal data

With the help of third-party service providers such as Google and Facebook, we also collect personal data about you as a visitor and how you interact with our website. This is so that we can understand how we can adapt our website so that it works as well as possible for you.


With whom the personal data is shared

Sometimes we may need to transfer or share your data with other companies. This may be, for example, when we hire other companies to help with IT systems, marketing, CRM systems or other similar measures. These companies are personal data assistants to us and are only allowed to process your personal data according to our instructions.



You can read our Cookie Policy här.


Your personal rights

You have a number of rights according to the data protection regulation, which we explain in more detail below. Read more about your rights at IMY.

Right to information

You have the right to receive information about your personal data being processed, which we inform you about through this privacy policy.

Right to access/registration extract

You have the right to receive an extract of what personal data we have registered about you.

Right to rectification

You also have the right to request that incorrect information about you be corrected or supplemented if we lack relevant information for you. Some information can be changed directly on the app in your settings. You must always contact Catch Me to unlock your account.

Right to erasure

In some cases, you can request that your personal information be deleted. If we are prevented from granting your request for deletion, we will take care to limit the use of your personal data to any purpose other than the purposes that prevent us from making the requested deletion.

Right to limitation of treatment

In some cases, you can request that your personal information be restricted. It could be, for example, if you have indicated that the data is incorrect and you have requested correction, then you can also request that the processing.

Right to object

You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data. The right to object applies when personal data is processed to perform a task of public interest or after a balancing of interests. If you object to the processing in such cases, we may continue to process the data if it can be shown that there are decisive legitimate reasons why the data must be processed that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing is to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

You always have the right to object to your personal data being used for direct marketing. Such an objection can be made at any time. If an objection is made to direct marketing, the personal data may no longer be processed for such purposes.

Special rules apply to personal data processed for scientific and historical research purposes or statistical purposes.

Right to data portability

If our right to process your personal data is based on your consent or to fulfill an agreement with you, you have the right to obtain and use your personal data elsewhere, for example in another social media service.

Withdraw consent

In the event that you have consented to any treatment that we carry out, you have the right to withdraw this at any time. You can do that by contacting us.


Social security number

We only process your social security number when it is clearly justified with regard to the purpose, if it is important to secure identification or if there is another considerable reason.


Protection of personal data

Only the people who need to process your personal data get access to it, in order to fulfill the specified purposes that we explained above.

We use confidentiality agreements with employees, consultants and suppliers.


The Swedish Privacy Protection Authority

The Swedish Data Protection Authority (IMY) is Sweden’s national supervisory authority for the processing of personal data and checks that the rules in the area of data protection are followed.

If you think that we are processing personal data about you in a way that violates the data protection regulation (GDPR), you can submit a complaint to IMY via More information on how to contact IMY can be found here.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

Catch Me reserves the right to update or change this privacy policy whenever we want, and the latest version will always be available on this website.

If you have questions about the content of our privacy policy or about personal data and cookies, you are welcome to contact us.